Born July 31. 1953 in Mexico City.
1974 - 1979 - Studies sculpture in San Carlos Academy ( UNAM) ;
La Esmeralda school of
painting, sculpture and engraving ; and in the Plastic experimentation and
Center on the National Institute of Fine Arts (INBA) Mexico City.
1992 - Diploma in landscape architecture, Iberoamericana University.
1980 - Sculptures. Alianza Francesa. Mexico City.
1984 - Mural Relief. Jose Guadalupe Posada, Cultural Center. (INBA), Mexico City.
1986 - Modular Field. Jose Maria Velasco Gallery. (INBA), Mexico City.
1987 - Modular Series ( .5t) Carrillo Gil Museum. Mexico City.
1991 - Piece of the Month, Mining Palace, INBA, Mexico City.
1992 - Landscape and Structure. Historical Research Institute, Dr Jose María Luis Mora, Mexico City.
2014 - Rombododecahedrian Spaces. Museum of Modern Art. Toluca, State of Mexico.
2015 - Isidro Fabela Cultural Center. Mexico City.
Mexiquense Bicentenario Cultural Center, Texcoco, State of Mexico.
Museum of Abstract Art, Manuel Felguerez, Zacatecas, Mexico.
2017 - Broken down Space. Popular Art Museum. Mexico.
2020 - TERRAMETRIAS. Zinacantepec Viceregal Museum.
1981 - First National Meeting of Young Art. Aguascalientes, Mex.
National Promotion. America's House. La Habana, Cuba.
Inauguration of the Cismac Gallery. Mexico City.
1982 - Second National Meeting of Young Art. (INBA).
National Salon of Plastic Arts. Sculpture Triennial. Mexico City.
1983 - National Salon of Plastic Arts. Drawing section. (INBA).
Drawing Collective. Chapultepec Gallery. Mexico City.
Third National Meeting of Young Art. (INBA).
1985 - National Salon of Plastic Arts. Sculpture Triennial. Mexico City.
1986 - Four Geometrical Syntax. Poliforum Cultural Siqueiros. Mexico City.
Without Apparent Reasons II. Carrillo Gil Museum. Mexico City.
Domecq Cultural Center S.C, Mexico City.
1987 - Collectives. Kin Gallery. Mexico City.
1988 - Geometry in five. Colegio de Bachilleres. Mexico City.
Three dimensions 20 expressions. Museum of Modern Art . Mexico City.
National Salon of Plastic Arts. Sculpture Triennial. Mexico City.
Images of the Sublime. Santo Domingo Cultural Center. Mexico City.
1989 - Artists in residence. Mexico City Festival.
Diverse Sculptors. Alternative Space, La Quiñonera, Mexico City.
1990 - Outdoor Sculpture. J.M.L.Mora Institute. Mexico City.
1991 - House of Culture Mexico-Japan. Mexico City.
1993 - XXth anniversary of the faculty of psychology .UNAM, Mexico City.
1994 - XXth Century Slopes. Museum of Modern Art , Mexico City.
1995 - Vermont Studios Gallery. Johnson. Vermont, USA.
1996 - Snakes and Ladders. Art x Art Gallery. Cuernavaca, Morelos. Mexico.
1997 - Manifest 2. Alternative Art, Ex-Teresa. Mexico City.
Free to touch. Ancient Palace of the former Archbishopric, Mexico City.
1998 - 12 Finimilenaristas Sculptors in Mexico. Museum of Modern Art . Mexico City.
1999 - From The Breaking Off to 2000. Santa Fe. Mexico City.
2000 - The Desert Festival. Real de Catorce. San Luis Potosí, Mexico.
2001 - XXth anniversary. 20 Sculptors in the Mora Institute. Mexico City.
Inauguration. Museum of Abstract Art, Manuel Felguerez, Zacatecas, Mexico.
2002 - Codes for the air. Latin-American faculty of social sciences. Mexico City.
First biennial three-dimensional. Azcapotzalco, Mexico.
Art and environment. Biosphere Reserve. Sian Ka'an. Quintana Roo. Mexico.
Volume and structure. 19 visions, Art Museum J. Chavez Carrillo. Colima, Mexico.
2003 - Ateneo Museum of Contemporary Art of Yucatán, Mérida, Mex.
Art and Environment, Semarnat. Mexico City.
Perceptions. Zapopan Art Museum, Jalisco, Mex.
10 in Sculpture. Drexel Gallery, Monterrey, Mex.
Second international sculpture meeting. Chetumal, Quintana Roo, Mex.
2004 - Uncertain Dialogues. Ancient Palace of the former Archbishopric, Mexico City.
Homage to the teacher Juan Castañeda. Institute of Culture. Aguascalientes, Mex.
Alter Natura. San Juan de Dios garden. Federico Silva Museum. San Luis Potosí, Mex.
2005 - Museum of Abstract Art Manuel Felguerez, Zacatecas, Mex.
Visual Space Gallery, House of Culture, Celaya, Guanajuato, Mex.
Perceptions. Monterrey Technological Campus, State of Mexico.
2006 - Latitudes, collection 2006. Museum of the Secretary of the Treasury, Mexico City.
2007 - Contributions. Payment in kind collection. Museum of the Secretary of the Treasury,Mexico City.
2009 - Artisan among Artists. Museum of Popular Art. Mexico City.
2010 - II International biennial of sculpture. Guadalajara 2010. Museum of Arts.
2011 - Opening of Arte Hoy Gallery. Coyoacán, Mexico City.
2012 - Metropolitan Eco Park. Atoyac River. Puebla, Mexico.
2013 - Mexican Sculptural Geometrism. Arte Hoy Gallery. Mexico City.
2015 - Without Commissioner. Museum of Modern Art. Toluca, State of Mexico.
2016 - Ride the Beast. Art Center of San Agustin Etla. Oaxaca, Mexico.
2017 - Sculptural Analogies. Museum of Modern Art collection. Mexico City.
2019 - New Dialogues. Museum of Modern Art. Mexiquense Cultural Center. Toluca Mexico.
2022 - TRAVELERS OF THE IMAGINATION. Celaya Art Museum. Gto.
2003 - Art and Environment. Biosphere Reserve of Sian Kaan, Quintana Roo, Mexico.
2003 - Second International Meeting of Sculpture. Chetumal, Quintana Roo. Mexico.
2007 - First International Sculpture Symposium. Leon, Guanajuato.
2008 - International Symposium of Stainless Steel Sculpture. Tultepec, State of Mexico.
2012 - Stone Carving Symposium. Tecali, Puebla, Mexico.
2015 - XXIV Simposio Internacional de Escultura en acero inoxidable, Tultepec, Edo Mex.
2015 - Educ- Arte. International Symposium of Stainless Steel Sculpture. Zacatecas, Mexico.
2017 - First International Sculpture Forum. University of Puerto Vallarta. Mexico.
2018 - MISK International Sculpture Symposium: Riyad, Saudi Arabia.
2019 - First Contemporary Sculpture Symposium. Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo, Mexico.
2022 - 2nd SCULPTURE SYMPOSIUM. New Capital, Cairo Egypt.
1983 - Sun Man . Anthropological Museum. La Paz, Baja California, Mexico.
1991 - 4 (5t) Pyramid Proposal. Volcanic stone carving. 55x60x57 cm.
Museum of the Secretary of the Treasury. Mexico City.
1994 - Line. 280x 20 x 20 cm. Iron. Museum of Art Alvar y Carmen T. de Carrillo Gil, Mexico City.
1995 - Dodecarombohedric Space. 140x 220x 100 cm. Iron. Museum of Modern Art. Mexico City.
1997 - Landscape. 220x 90 x 90 cm and 150 x 240 x 90 cm. Wood. National Politechnic Institute. Mexico City.
2000 - Cubic. 80x 200x 80 cm. Iron, varnish. Museum of Abstract Art Manuel Felguerez Zacatecas, Mexico.
2001 - Flower of the Dodecarrombo . Diameter, 70 cm. Painted Iron. Museum of Art San Pedro Puebla, Mexico.
Flower of the Dodecarrombo II. Diameter, 70cm. Painted Iron. Padre E.F. Kino Gallery.
2002 - Muyil Flower. Diameter 360 cm. Wood from Mahagua and henequen.
Biosphere Reserve of Sian Kaan, Quintana Roo, Mexico.
2003 - False Vacuum. 400x 100x 100 cm. Painted Iron.
Sculptural Avenue Chac Temac Chetumal, Quintana Roo, Mexico.
2005 - Helicododecarrombo. 200x 40x 40 cm. Painted Iron. House of Culture. Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico.
2008 - Macla. Sculptural Street, National Politechnic Institute. Mexico City.
2012 - Metropolitan Eco Park Atoyac River, Puebla, Mexico.
2017 - Space Splash. University of Guadalajara Campus. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
2019 - Dodecarombohedric Space. Museum of Modern Art. Mexiquense Cultural Center, Toluca, Mexico.
1985 - Honorable Mention. National Salon, Sculpture Triennial.
National Institute of Fine Arts, Mexico City.
1995 - Mex American Fellowship Award. Vermont Studios Center. USA.
2007 - Winning Sculpture, "United for Peace" First International Biennial of Sculpture.
Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico.